Sector Investing Advisories
Sorry for the long delay between posts -- the holidays are such a busy time, and I've also had some travel to deal with.
Last time I promised to talk about sector investing advisories, and here they are.
Two such services I've used with success (and continue to use) are Good Fortune, which sports an average 20.45% per year gain since 1990 (you can see yearly statistics on their site), and Pitbull Sector Timing. The latter's web site is a little unusual, but try not to be put off by it. Here is the recent track record they report:
2001 .... +76.5%
2002 .... +3.1%
2003 .... +11.7%
2004-05 .... +12.5%
2006-07 .... +13.9%
Do you know anyone else who made 76% profit in mutual funds during the terrible year of 2001? Neither do I.
Pitbull offers several different systems and advisory services, and the Sector Timing is just one of them. It's definitely worth a look, and the service also includes a nightly market commentary.
Edited 6/23/2009: The Pitbull Sector Timing has been replaced by their ETF Timing. I have changed the link above to display the ETF information.
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