Friday, February 03, 2012

Three Extra Days to Do Taxes In 2012

You may (or may not) have read there are two extra days to do your income taxes this year. Actually, it turns out there are three.

Normally the U.S. income tax return must be postmarked (or electronically submitted) by April 15. However in 2012 April 15 occurs on a Sunday, so the date is pushed forward one day.

But April 16 is Emancipation Day in Washington, D.C., a holiday. So the due date is moved forward one more day, to April 17.

So what's the third extra day? Well, it's February 29 -- because 2012 is a leap year!

So you have even less excuse than usual for not getting your taxes in early. But I know many of you will still wait till the last minute. Some post offices will even stay open till midnight to handle the final rush. Not that I've ever done that, you understand ...            :-)



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